

oh my god, that is so 'LUSH'

Hello my lovely followers! Hope you are all well and happy. Again, I apologize for the lack of posts, I've just had so much going on. Had some quite disappointing news this week but I look at it like this, there's always a positive from a negative. So I'm keeping my chin up.

Anyway, my sister has came up to see us (massive yey because we haven't seen her for about 6 weeks) and she brought me some goodies as the plan was that she would be looking after me...(long story to do with the disappointing news). Oh my god, did I get ruined AGAIN!

Lots and lots of Lush items. Just wow! I am a lucky lady. I got bath bombs, bar of soaps, lip scrubs, moisturizer and more! Couldn't believe how much my sister gave me and I am itching to use it all. 
Here are some snaps of some of the Lush items...

I ran a bath straight away and chose a Lush product to use. I wanted to cover myself in Lush goodness.

I chose KARMA a 'bubble bar slice. All you had to do was break off a piece, and crumble it underneath the running water which my sister is oh so brilliantly demonstrating in the picture below! The colour is amazing and it smelt like sweeties! I very happily laid back and let the product sink into my skin which made it soft and smell incredible.

The pictures above are over how much bubbles the cleverly named bubble bar created, lots huh?! 

I also chose a soap called ROCK STAR which seriously smelt like a sweet shop! The colour is  baby pink and the size is just right for travel.

I am sorry about the wrong way round image but my laptop is being a right idiot and not doing things I want it to! So annoying. Anyway the images show what it looked like and the label. SWEETIES :D

I am planning on doing more reviews as I use the products, so watch out for those! Hope everyone is okay, I personally would love some good luck to come my way.

<3 love to you all. 


  1. Oo i adore lush, just started getting the Xmas range! :) I adore snow fairy and gingerbread house. Your so lucky having a magic mushroom. I've just used up my last :(
    Lucy x

  2. I keep seeing amazing posts about lush but this is my fave so far! I actually can't WAIT for my next trip to Lush!!

    and I'm now following your blog!

    check out my blog sometime <3

    LoveFaye xoxo

  3. ooo some really gorgeous stuff! Im very much looking forward to popping down there and getting in on the christmas action!


  4. Wow, that's a lof of LUSH! Hope you like everything!

  5. your blog is so awesome -- love all the photos, and you're a really talented writer. i studied journalism in college... :) hope to visit again, and i am your new follower on google and twitter. hope we can stay connected. cheers!!
    jasmine :)


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